Today, Tasered While Latino reports:
This is but one example of the lawlessness of some police officers in all of the police departments of the United States of America. In this case, it seems as though the US Justice Department may try to bring a measure of justice to the dead, as well as retribution and deterrence to the living police officers.Luis Ramirez - Beat To Death While Latino - By Shenandoah Police Department
Washington (CNN) -- Six people, including four police officers, were indicted in the fatal race-related beating of a Latino man in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, the Justice Department said Tuesday.The three indictments include federal hate crime charges, as well as obstruction of justice, conspiracy, official misconduct and extortion charges, authorities said. A federal grand jury handed up the indictments last week, and they were unsealed Tuesday.
Luis Ramirez was in a coma on life support before he died two days after he was beatenDerrick Donchak and Brandon Piekarsky are charged with a hate crime for beating Luis Ramirez in July 2008 while shouting racial epithets at him, prosecutors said. Ramirez died two days later."Following the beating, Donchak, Piekarsky and others, including members of the Shenandoah Police Department, participated in a scheme to obstruct the investigation of the fatal assault," the Justice Department said.Shenandoah Police Chief Matthew Nestor is charged in two separate indictments with conspiring to obstruct justice, multiple counts of extortion and civil rights violations, authorities said. Tasered While Latino
All-too-often, when the initial shock and outrage wears off, police plead murder charges down to disorderly conduct and are allowed to resign with pensions from one police department, only to begin working for another, like the pedophile priests who were shuffled from abusing children in one congregation to abusing different children in another.
With the advent of the Tasered While Latino blog, the pre-trial, extra-judicial attempted murders and executions of Latinos may receive the attention that the same lawless police behavior has received when it is directed toward Blacks.
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